
I'm with sleeping problems... I wanted to sleep this afternoon to rest a little... but I couldn't. I discovered that I only sleep in the afternoon once per two weeks. O.O I'm weird! xD Just kidding... but really, it's weird.
At first I didn't like the Dalshabet's song: Supa Dupa Diva... but now... it's stuck in my head! +_+ "hello baby... c'mon baby..." xD And Teen Top's "Supa Luv" is awesomeee! ^^ I can't stop listening to it.
I saw a video of a show: and I couldn't take Min and Jokwon serious... Even thought they were both taking the song serious... it seems like they were pretending or joking! x) love them both *-*
Now I'm sleepy... Gonna sleep.
Have a good night~!
Sweet Dreams everyone~! ^^
*if it's not night in your country...: have a nice day! ^^

1 comentário:

  1. :D I just love Supa Love by Teen Top <3 Niel's voice is sooo nice!! I love it!
