
M - Music

You knew I was going to talk about music, right?
You are so smart!!! ^-^
The thing is... music is one of the five things that keeps me alive.
If you wanna know what are the other four... ask me, ok? ^^
Music is refreshing... it's great to put emotions outside and not keep them inside you like forever.
There is no right way of expressing music. You can make it in a modern way... in a classical way and even in a way that nobody will understand! It's still music! 
Don't be afraid of liking the songs you like, don't be afraid of being different... The others won't listen the music for you! Look at me, I like korean music, nobody in my school likes it, but i don't care! :)
God created music for his worship, so why not be part of something He created??? ^_~
"I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music." - Johann Sebastian Bach

1 comentário:

  1. O teu blog é muito fixe, cheio de cores alegres, tão fofo como tu! Beijos, mom. ;)
